Chip Directory Host site

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Compliments in 199707

19970701 Great site mate! Information I couldn't find anywhere else and it's here!!! Kelshout
19970701 The greatest page for finding references on elektronic stuff in the universe... please go on like this Raphael
19970701 This is a good home page for searching chip manufacture especially for my project in university Robi
19970702 Interesting Slavek
19970703 I am very impressed with the completeness and comprehensiveness of your site. Wayne
19970704 THXS!!! George
19970704 Nice format and nice page Bob
19970705 Thank you very much for the information you sent me and for your helpful site Fabrice
19970705 It's very useful!!! Shin
19970705 Very comprehensive. Stanley
19970705 Ik kwam die chipdir tegen via infoseek. Eigenlijk zocht ik al heel lang zoiets. Ik wou alleen even zeggen dat ik het een gave homepage vind. Doei en succes met die page. Mosselman
19970705 Very usefull directory which has helped me fix many old computers etc. Jonny
19970705 Excellent effort! great information! priceless! Rajan
19970706 You've done an extrordinary job of compiling and managing the Chipdir. It is not only the most complete resource of it's kind that I have found, it is also well designed, easy to use, and interesting! Thank You! Respectfully, Dave
19970707 Very good job Alexandre
19970707 Neat site! Thanks. Richard
19970707 Excellent, just the Info I need! Thanks for a good sight. Jacob
19970707 supertoll Andreas
19970709 Great resource! I use it regularly. I really appreciate. Ethan
19970709 Just wanted to let you know how helpful this page has been to me. I have been gathering data sheets and this sight has really helped me find a lot of what I needed. Thanks for all the hard work. Lynette
19970709 Very good system Matti
19970711 Ooooh...very great... yes, really ...the best chipcompendium I've ever seen... Björn
19970711 The chip directory seems to be a very usefull place! Paul
19970711 Good Cross Referencing Tool Jeff
19970711 I just found your page. I think it is great, however I don't have access to the net when I'm in my shop. How do I down load a copy of your chip dir?? Thanks for your time. Ben
19970713 It's very intresting. Grisha
19970713 My first choice for chip info! Rian
19970713 It's a very interesting and useful place. Keep up the good job!! Hector
19970713 It is informative and helpful. Jayanth
10970714 All chip datasheets I found in this web... Priyo
19970714 Este es un sitio anhelado por mucho tiempo, me parece que la labor de Jaap van Ganswijk ha sido fenomenal. En lo personal pienso sacarle mucho provecho a este sitio. Gracias! Ricardo
19970714 Your homepage is so cool!! Chang
19970717 Great pages Panayiotis
19970717 I'd like eulogize them people who make this site the better on information electronic web. Jose
19970717 This is a very helpful page keep Up the good work! Shawn
19970717 Thanks! Victor
19970717 Looks good, very large & interesting site for all technical questions. Jakob
19970717 I visit your site very often and I think it's one of the best. Vladimir
19970718 Love your website! William
19970719 It is a rare occurance to find such CONTENT on the Web. Good Job! Rob
19970721 This site is very helpful for my design work. Many Thanks. Hyun
19970723 It is very usefull for us. Pls. add and check for all kind of old types electronic components. It is hard to find the data for old types. Thank you. Nejdet
19970723 The information that you put here (on the chipdir) is very interesting and very helpful. Congratulations. Continue improve it! Thank's Luis
19970723 Good work, thank You! Edward
19970724 It's a pretty good site with appropriate links. The only comment I'd like to mention is the fact that in rare cases it's impossible to find certain semiconductors related to optics and photosensors (phototransitors p.e.) Bertram
19970724 Your site is very good because it facilitates us the searching for electronic components. Salim
19970725 Just wanted to say the chip directory web pages look very professional and look to be a very fast way to locate data! Thanks for the excellent work! Don
19970725 Chip Directory is the best place for seach information! Tomcat
19970728 Very helpfull web sight saved me hours tracking down technical specifications. David
19970729 Great awsome need electronic search. I would be nice to see all electronic part numbers in the future (you know for a cost of course). Ryan
19970729 Very useful! Wang
19970730 Nice info data for anyone who needs and wants it. Doug
19970730 Hi. Yes I think this is a great site and would like to be able to download the complete information of this site. I find these pages very useful and would like to be able to make it more accessible to all my three workshops. I would appreciate it if it is possible to download the lot. By the way, tanx for a very informable site.. Mossie
19970730 That's good Zilmy
19970730 Very interesting and useful site. Frank
19970731 Great! Teemu
19970731 Extremely helpful. I guess you are still updating the entries. Thanks a lot. I am sure I will be visiting your site often. Shashi
19970731 I find your chip directory great and I use it often. Thank you. Igor

For helping with this compilation thanks to my mother:

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