Chip Directory Host site

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Compliments of 199709

Compiled by Wil van Ganswijk <>. She's my mom!

19970901 Ik gebruik de Chip Dir reeds lang... [Dutch. Translation: I'm already using the Chip Dir for a long time...] Steven
19970905 Very useful pages. Thank You very much. I found here 50% of information I needed. Victor
19970905 Thanks for a great resource. Clive
19970906 Very good site!!! ALEXANDER
19970906 THIS IS VERY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boris
19970906 The pages here are great!!! Mikel
19970907 A VERY useful area for us in customer support. Nice and easy to explore. Thanks. Kevin
19970907 You are fantastic! I love electronic and this kind of service. It's the best thing for me. Thanks a lot! MARCELLO
19970907 Great information source. Thanks! Raymar
19970908 A very nice and much needed service. Keep up the good job. Ake
19970909 Excellent Service!! Larry
19970910 Very helpful Jimmy
19970911 Thank's for this page.... Dave
199711 Excellent system to find chips. Compliments. Euro
19970911 Really good and usefull place. Miguel
19970912 GOOD Javier
19970912 Nice site! Kevin
19970914 Very Extraordinary! Costantino
19970915 Great site! Albertas
19970916 Good site, lots of useful information to electronics tech. Ronnie
19970916 It is helpful! Lin
19970916 Excellent page, the best helper to designers. Vladimir
19970918 Its really a great service. Thanks for setting up such a great info. Sajjad
19070918 Very good. Bo
19970918 Your chip-listing is truly an awesome, amazing, info-packed site. K.
19970918 I think this site is very interesting!! Jinwon
19970918 What a wonderful and useful site. I tell my students about it all the time. Fredrick
10070920 Very Good!! Vitaly
19970920 Good to know about existence of a site like yours. There is never enough info of this kind around. Les
19970920 I very much like the service you provide. Wayne
19970920 Great Help, Tanks. José
19970921 This Place Is Cool! John
19970923 This Site is amazing! You made me feel the power of the Web! I want to thank You for the great job you've done and wish You all the best! Tihomir
19970923 Neat site! Roland
19970923 I like the way this site is organized. Peter
19970924 This is a SUPER SITE and I am sure that I'll be visiting it frequently!! Roland
19970924 Great service! Rainer
19970925 Found it very helpful Gilbert
19970926 Just a big thanks for all your work. Mansueto
19970926 Thanks for a brilliant site! Ola
19970926 It's fantastic and very powerful and useful. Thanks. Michele

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