Chip Directory Host site

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19980302 Is a great page for hobby enthusiasts of electronics. JOSE
19980302 A very useful site. John
19980302 This place is great. Francisco
19980302 Very good source. My students use it very often for their projects work. Al
19980302 Good place for data books. Michael
19980309 Bravo. Ralph
19980309 I like it very much, because it is helpful tool for the engineers and designers too. Thanks a Lot. Roberto
19980309 Thanks for your usefull site. It is nice. Hamid
19980309 Congratulations, this is an excellent thing for HW engineers. Branislav
19980309 Very good site and lots of information! Jeroen
19980309 delicious Sohail
19980309 Soy técnico en electrónica, tengo un pequeño taller, donde tengo la oportunidad de reparar equipos de todos tipos, y en ocaciones me he visto imposibilitado en la reparación debido a no tener información de los chips integrados en el diseño de ese equipo en particular. Razón por la cual es muy importante conocer la imformación de algunos componentes. Gracias. Lorenzo
19980309 This is a super page in the net. Przemyslaw
19980309 Thanks, extremely good example for internet users !! Dusselier
19980309 Chip Dirctory is very useful. Kristoffer
19980309 It's good. Chow
19980309 A handy place for Chips information. Must add to the bookmark of any PC hardware designer. Solon
19980312 This is a really neat site, good job!!!!! David
19980312 I think it could be very useful. Thank you very much. A great idea!! Lui
19980312 Site is COOL!!!! BYE. Renato
19980316 Its very interesting for the students of electronic systems. Sergio
19980316 I'm from Korea, I'm astonished to your web, when I find the data sheet. I can find your web, thank you .... Jong
19980316 Very good Site. With this information online I can save the money for the reference books. Bernhard
19980319 Cool site, saved my life several times. Terry
19980320 Sounds Very interesting. Jonathan
19980320 Very usefull thing. If you are looking for elements for new desing, or replace older type with new. Stefan
19980320 Great resource!!!! T
19980320 Congratulations: your site is well helpfull. Claessens
19980320 Good HomePage. Edgar
19980322 Wonderfull. Juan
19980322 I like it. Herbert
19980324 Thanks for your directory. Junyoung
19980324 I just entered your page for the first time and all I can say is that: wonderfull job!!!!! Keep the good work going!! Nicolas
19980324 You just helped me a lot with your marvelous chip search site!!! Matthias
19980325 Has been very useful. Thanks!! Valerie
19980330 Thanks for your great service Chip Directory. Daniel
19980330 Good application of the web. Mark
19980330 Congratulations! The "Chip Directory" is very good search engine for any engineer in electronic world. Best regards from Croatia. Hrvoje
19980331 I like your web page because I was searching a lot of chipinformation and the manufacturers and I did not found any information. Well this is past now. Thanks a lot. Ruben

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