Chip Directory Host site

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Compliments for 199601..08

19960116 You are the only one with any real information that I have been able to find. I really need the pin info for several chips and I got them in your list. Tx. Matt
19960122 Very nice, funtionall and good working place to get the last infos and to solve a lot of problems! Continue this work! Great! Pieter
19960127 This is one of the most useful websites on the internet. Thankyou, Ron
19960129 I am a student in computer eng. and this page is great, Cliff
19960129 Good job! David
19960130 Whatever I need! Use more for replacement than for new design. GreatResource!! Garry
19960207 This is great, I hope this service sticks around!! Sean
19960207 Wow, nice web page. The search mechanism is kind of clunky, but it was still useful. Will I be visiting you Again? Absolutely!!! Robert
19960221 Wonderful !!!! Keep up the excellent work. Sincerely, Ted
19960311 Thank you guys for putting this together wow!!!! I will be telling my customers and using this a lot. Fran
19960316 I think that you must be a very eccelent man. Your database is very very wonderful for me and other. bye.. good luck to you... God bless you ! Yang
19960316 Mijn komplimenten voor deze handige en hulpzame site bij het zoeken naar hardware data. Hij staat muurvast in mijn Bookmarks-lijst. Wessel
19960415 I have been to lots of places on the web, but this place kicks. Its gonna take weeks to collect all this great info. Thanks, great site. Slk
19960415 GREAT LIBRARY !!! I've searched for this a long time. Congratulation. :-) Andreas
19960415 Thankyou. "Brilliant" Information source. Best and most informative I've seen yet on the web. Keep up the great work and best Wishes. Martin
19960513 Kudos for the wonderful resource you have!!! I hope the vendors are keeping you well-stocked in desk and wall calendars and posters in return for your services to the industry. Your "directory by logo" is going up in my lab today! Dank U well! Nate
19960521 This place is great- I've been using it for months, and its saved the day more than once! I don't know how you find the time to maintain it! Thanks for being there! Tom
19960523 Gefeliciteerd! Te bedenken dat ik studiegenoot mocht zijn van een echte internet-strijder! :-) Maarten
19960529 I just wanted to let you know what an INCREDIBLE resource you have on the Web. I needed a pinout for a chip. I could find it nowhere, and then after a little searching on the Web, I found your site. It's clear that hundreds of hours of work have gone into the development and production of your site, and I would like to offer my sincerest thanks and kudos to you for helping me with my project. It's too bad that sites like this don't get the publicity they deserve...sites that are here to HELP people, and disseminate valuable information to the entire world. Once again, thank you so much for all your hard work! Sincerely, Craig
19960607 Very useful and in-depth. The various listing that can be used makes finding chips as easy as understanding resistance. Troy
19960609 I thunk you epople have the best system on the Net for managing older devices. I also want to get GIDEP notifications on-line. Robert
19960616 This is a wonderfull directory. These informations help us a lot during the repair. William
19960625 wonderful webpage. Absolutly amazing webpage! I've been looking everywhere for a COMPLETE list of IC* data, and now I have it. Thank-you ever so much. Mike

For helping with this compilation thanks to my mother:

Wil van Ganswijk - Learn Esperanto, the international language!

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