Chip Directory Host site

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Compliments for 199601..08

19960706 !!! Thank's a lot for Your excellent CHIP-DIRECTORY !!! Rupert
19960712 I like your "chip directory" wow tons of goodies! Ronald
19960712 Let me say first, your electronic-hompage is the best in the web! Gerald
19960716 This is great job that you are doing with chip directory. Recently, I was looking for an old DTMF* generator DATA from Philips. I found the right www-site, but there wasn't any information about this chip. Luckily, I found your site - there it was, 3312CT easily detectable. Well, after that I was sure that the chip was made by Philips so it wasn't so hard anymore for me to locate the right DATA books. So, thank you again and keep on doing the great job! Ari
19960718 Really useful and beneficial to anyone in the designing of circuits!!! Thanks for a heck of a web site!!!! :-) Kevin
19960723 I looked your Web site. It's wonderful. Kobayas
19960725 Ik vond de Chip directory via Lycos. Ik had het nog nooit gezien. Ik wil U even laten weten dat ik het ZEER waardeer en ik zal er in de toekomst waarschijnlijk veel vaker gebruik van maken.Wij ontwikkelen elektronica en technische software voor derden dus hebben vaak behoefte aan chip documentatie. Prachtig, ga vooral zo door. Sander
19960726 Fantastic - I've been trying to find out about a chip in our pc's in the office and was getting nowhere! Michael
19960803 I am placing a link to your directory in my links page under development, should be visible within a week. Thank you for an amazing effort! You have created a resource of inestimable value to the electronics community. (You may quote me). David
19960812 Thank you very much for offering this interesting service for free. It's GREAT. Josep
19960815 Greate service I just love it. Jay
19960819 It's my favorite home page for electronic information. Claus-Dieter
19960819 The information contained is invaluable for all of us that think that '... the best programming language is a soldering iron...'(Steve Ciarcia). Great, guys !!! Eduardo
19960819 Thanks for the UART page. It saved me hours of work locating an IC* to use. Don
19960827 I was seaching with for the chip manufactuer, with the initials UMC. One of the URLs I saw was yours, and the description sounded interesting, so I logged on, and in a few minutes, found that UMC belongs to United Microelectronics Corp.. Thanks! David
19960827 First of all, congratulation for your Chip Directory, I found it with AltaVista and I want you to know that it is the best site I have ever found concerning chips searching .... Really a good job :-)) Richard
19960828 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I think this is the greatest thing since sliced toast! I used to swear by the IC* Master for years. It was a great source of info for pin outs and looking up unusual IC*'s, etc. Then it got less and less useful over time. More and more advertising appeared. Pinouts began to dissappear. I don't recall the last time I referenced it. I can't imagine that I ever will, now that you have provided this wonderful reference. Thanks again for making my day! Marvin
19960830 I have been using your Chip Directory for a couple of months now. I am very busy, being a full-time student and working part-time in a consulting capacity. I must now, however, take the time to compliment you on a fantastic effort! This is the most useful engineering site that I have experienced on the web. I love it! P.S. I'm sorry that I am just now registering. Philip
19960902 Excellent information. Nice and Concise. One of the most useful pages I have found... (And I've looked hard ;-) Chris
19960906 The 3100 websites on this server ( include the world famous Chip Directory ( Felipe
19960910 I think it to be a good tool. It gave me NET address for manufacturers I did not have before, and certainly a better edge on finding data sheets and replacement parts for servicing insturments at our laboratory, as well as design info for new instrtumentation. Gerald
19960911 This is an excelent service, better than some of the manufacturer home sites. Keep up the good work. Stuart
19960912 Dear Ganswijk, Thank you so much for your kind message. I would search the Internet according to you advice right away. I can not express how grateful I am for your help and I would be very glad if I can return your favor here in Bejing, either for you or your Chip Directory: the latter makes me come to realize the power of Internet. Sincerly, Chunhui
19960914 Dear Ganswijk, You can not image how helpful your last message had been. I emailed Ormix at Riga without any confidence, but they give me information about almost every IC*! Your message have 'liberated' me (in typical Chinese) from the hopeless digital signal analysis, I would not have to elong my MS project for the lack of information any more! Czhang
19960918 I found your site to be very helpful! Thanks again! Jeremy
19960920 Better than an "IC* Master"! Thank you for providing such an incredibly useful service! Paul
19960925 Since coming across the chipdir page, I have found my life FAR easier! This directory saves me a huge amount of time while troubleshooting instruments. Thank you very much for developing this site! Carl
19961009 Thank You for doing such a good job for all the electronic engineers from around the world. It's great ! (Pages like yours are the main reason why I'am subscribing the Internet) Zbigniew
19961009 Earlier this year, Engineering & Management Press (EMP) published "Manufacturing and the Internet", by Richard G. Mathieu. The book served as a tool to introduce the Internet to manufacturing professionals and provide them with Internet sites that the author felt might have information they need. Your web-site was mentioned by Mathieu as one such site. Matt
19961010 This is the best (for me) page on the entire WEB! Jim
19961011 Thanks, your page is very useful and very good! Alexandr
19961011 This site is very useful for me. Thanks, Grzegorz
19961011 Very good idear/site, very usefull. Oliver
19961011 Thank you for detail about chip infor. That 's good. Nuttapol
19961011 Thanks! Guizzard
19961011 Thanks for this powerful instrument !! Andrew
19961013 This is the first time I am using this Chip Directory. So far I've found everything I needed. Excellent work! Keep it up! Alex
19961014 It is a great place to visit! Janardhana
19961016 This is a very useful and powerful development tool. Mike
19961017 >Great Home Page !!!! Usefull and pratical !!! Luigi
19961018 Cool site, keep up the excellent work! Alexander
19961018 This is useful... congratulations! Andy
19961019 Great Site, Keep up the good work!!! Terry
19961020 Hi,I just would like to say that I came to your chips-page guided by Altavista. The information is usefull, congratulations! Nice work! Diego!
19961021 Keep up the good work with the directory. I find it invaluable for both repair work (what does that chip do and can I get a quick pinout or data sheet) and new design work. John
19961021 Hello, I work at Microsoft, on the Windows Device Driver Kit support team for developers. I am putting together a World Wide Web internet page of pointers to non-Microsoft technical and consulting sites. When public,it will be accessed through the Microsoft Web pages, by following one of the support references. You either wrote to me or someone suggested your site as a good pointer destination. If you have a logo on your page, I would be glad to include that as well. I would like you to write me and give me permission to list your site and use your logo by the pointer on our page. Bill
19961022 This is GREAT ! I had no idea, that such a chip directory exists. It's great for getting an idea, what a chip is good for, whose name/number you never heard before. Thank's a LOT ! Armin
19961025 This site is great. This is one of the great things about the web you can be certain to find what you need when you need it. Keep up the great site. Anthony
19961025 Great stuff! Bill
19961026 Just a note to let you know how much we appreciate our listing in your web site. We have just added a new page of "Links" to our favorite places in our web site and included a link to Chip Directory. Thanks, Dave
19961027 Thanks for the chip directory! I've seen it grow over the past two years. A great resource. Tim
19961027 This site is a godsent... Thanks! Just wanted to thank you for this terrific site... George
19961028 Very useful for an engineer. Laszlo
19961028 Very good! Stefan
19961028 Great page. It was a really big help when my TTL* book didn't show the pin-outs of a 74247. Is there a way to copy it locally? I would like to help in any way I can to make it better since it helped me. Kenton
19961029 I've been hunting for weeks for something like this. Excellent! Many thanks. Paul
19961029 Nice work! Have added your URL to my book marks. Ulf
19961029 I have found this site to be very helpful for hunting down the right components. That job is sometimes pretty difficult, because as a new (i.e., inexperienced in business and extremely fund-limited) R&D enterprise, my list of data books is small. Thanks for wrangling all of this info in one convienient corrall!! Tom
19961029 Excellent resource. The more data sheets the better! Antelrow
19961029 I have found your home page to be very useful. I encourage my students to visit and bookmark this site. Wes
19961031 I'm feeling lucky now, since I found this very important tool to find the chips I need for my designs. Carlos
19961031 Great Job!!!!!!! Mathew
19961031 Jaap, I use your Chip Directory frequently, find it most helpful, and recommend it to others with similar needs. I also enjoy your comments on the 68HC11 Mailing List. Unfortunately, when I tell them who is responsible for the Chip Directory, I stumble on the pronunciation of your name. Can you help me? Chuck
19961031 Congratulations on your informative and interesting site! Greetings, Sebastian
19961031 Very interesting site !!! Compliments, I DO USE IT VERY OFTEN. Iovine
19961031 I congratulate to your directory, it's really well done! Bye, Zoltan
19961101 this page is very useful for me. I am a student of electronics engineering, and I can find most things I am looking for here, Turgut
19961101 Thanks for this *great* resource! Rob
19961102 Great Page! Rainer
19961102 Thank you! I've found the ChipDir very useful. Regards, Eirik
19961102 Great to see someone catalog these devices without charging any money, Thankyou! Andrew
19961103 thanks for complete chip list!! Richard
19961104 Great! Ludvik
19961104 excellent multimedia work. Arnaldo
19961107 Very good site compared to other component search engines. Keep up the good work! Mikael
19961107 This is a very helpful sevice, thanks, Thomas
19961107 nice site. Keep up the good work. Jose
19961108 Great site! Sander
19961108 Greatest on-line service of it's type I've seen. K.
19961108 I really like your directory, Regards, Per
19961109 I can hardly believe the wealth of information found here. You have done me a great service. I was searching the web for hours trying to find IC* manufacturers data sheets. Within 5 minutes of finding your site I had all the information I needed. I cannot say thank you enough. Mark
19961110 I love the chip directory, it very informing. The only problem that I have with it is that it took me about 80 searches to find it, when I was looking for information on chips. But now that i've bookmarked this site I will never let it get lost, it's too valuable a resource. Thanks for bringing something like this online. Javier
19961111 Great Job. Keep it going. Sheker
19961111 It's a very good instruments for all engineers and CAD* developers who wants standardize electronics library and knows more on chip naming convention. Best Regards... Gianluca
19961111 Really good site, a search routine would be good though. Stein
19961112 Supper Nachschlagewerk, Gruss, Sabine
19961112 Hello....your page about chipdir it's really good....So that I would to get a copy of it. It is posible? I haven't got internet access from my house, and I would to have the information about chips in my house to consult it easily :) Thank's for all, Pazvi
19961112 Just got here, but this site looks like it might be one of the most useful to me. Regards, John
19961113 Mr. van Ganswijk, Your directory is great. I will use it to track dsp*, mpu*, and mcu* products. We manufacture logic analyzers and emulators and will use this data to identify processors in use and link your data to survey data we collect regularly. I will purchase the CD-ROM version. Currently, I have manually downloaded each number series and stuffed data into an Excel spreadsheet. What brings you to create this database? It must be a lot of work. Thanks again for this very useful data. John
19961117 I use your chip directory a lot and would like to contribute. Best regards, Per
19961118 Thanks for possibility of browse your ChipDir, Andrzej
19961121 I've been looking for a site like this for months!! Greg
19961121 chipdir site is really helpful for me. I am in a job looking for the various data sheets to find the correct vendor. Nice administration. Keep it up, regards, Chida
19961121 this is a great page for us component engineers, regards; Bill
19961121 It's great that this page exists! Greetings, Elmar
19961122 Als Ersatz für den IC-Master durchaus verwendbar...SUSUSUSUPER! Uwe
19961125 This is a very good site. Thanks very much. Josef
19961125 To me your site is the most helpfull and easy to use. Champ
19961128 This is a great tool! Mike
19961201 Looks like a great website for design engineers. Half the design is knowing what parts are on the market. Robert
19961201 I really admire the work and the information You do. On my Job this has been a Helpfull and Quick Site to get references of providers and manufacturers, specially DATASHEETS. Untill now, is the most complete site around. Thank You... Regards, Juan
19961201 This is the best site I have ever visited regarding the electrical stuff. I hope it will grows more and more .... Qusay
19961201 Dear Friend: This mail is only to say Tanks for everything you did for us. We apreciate all your effort. Truly yours, Christopher
19961204 Love this site!!! Have been looking for a site like this for years! Having the pinouts is great. Dennis
19961204 Its really usefull and I am gratefull to its makers. Irfan
19961205 I haven't see much of this site yet but it looks very promising. Keep up the good work !!!! Emar
19961209 By the way, thanks for the "Chip Directory", it is possibly the most useful site in my bookmark file. Keep up the good work, I wish you much success along with fame and fortune, most of all fortune. Regards, George
19961210 awsome, Hady
19961211 This is an excellent source of electronics information. I wish I knew about it sooner. Mike
19961211 Thanks for doing the search, it has been most helpful. David
19961211 Wow, thanks for collecting that info! John
19961212 Absolutely great! What I needed exactly. Panayiotis
19961212 Tank you Jaap! You are the best! Fabio
19961212 Great idea, very usefull. Joel
19961213 Great job. Your chip dir is a useful tool for hardware designers knowing not yet all the types by heart. Gregor
19961214 Very interestig! Chevaillier
19961216 Excellent, I was thinking of doing this myself! Charles
19961217 I'm glad I noticed this site in Designfax. We use alot of Ic*'s that are not to standard when we develope hardware systems here at NASA Langley. Dennis
19961217 Well done! Congratulations! D.
19961217 Dear Mr. Jaap van Ganswijk,I want to congratulate you your excelent web site concerning all kind of telecomms, electronics and hardware engineers. This site is very usefull and very interesting. I am a 13 years experience telecomms engineer from Romania. I want to ask you if you are interested to develop a mirror site of your site on an Internet server placed in Timisoara, Romania? Dorin
19961219 Your site is a great help with my electronics classes! Thanks again for your work on this chip directory! Chris
19961223 This is my first visit to the chip directory and it looks good. Magnificent idea! My compliments to the inventor of the system. I.
19961223 Good source of info. I like the low graphics approach. Keep up the good work. Wfv.
19961224 Excellent !!! Ron
19961225 Forgot to thank you once again for the directory, it is super. I'm particularily fond of the manufacturers list. Egil
19961230 Thanks for your Good Information. Seong
19961231 Thank you very much! Luis

For helping with this compilation thanks to my mother:

Wil van Ganswijk - Learn Esperanto, the international language!

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