Chip Directory Host site

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Compliments for 199708

19970801 Very good site. Remis
19970802 Very useful. I'll be putting this site in my bookmarks :-) Bill
19970802 The ChipDir is HUGE, it really is well done & VERY informational. Pedro
19970804 Very good. Damian
19970804 I find your site very useful. Charles
19970804 Very nice pages on your chip directory!! Andrea
19970805 You are OK. Slavek
19970805 Good done! I am very glad that at last have found the very good orded information. Keep doing the same way. Thanks Vitalii
19970806 Still one of the most useful electronics sites on the WWW. Allan
19970807 I love your web page! I would like to see how I can get a personal copy or be allowed to create a link to my page that is under construction. James
19970807 Thanks for the great service you provide everyone! Mark
19970807 Neat! I like it. Fred
19970807 very good source of component for electronic engineer, wide coverage of product. Keep updated and keep up with the good job! Alex
19970809 I ran across the ChipDir quite a long time go and was impressed with the information being gathered and stored. I looked again just recently and was further impressed. Many of my associates (technical type people) and I have all made similar observations. You're to be commended for your efforts with the ChipDir. Mike
19970810 Chip Directory is a very useful tool. Thank for your efforts! Venelin
19970810 Very neat. Li
19970811 Very good. Bret
19970811 VERY usefull, "indispensable" in french. Charles
19970811 Your site is very very useful. Hope you continue to grow !!! Alberto
19970813 Let me say that the site is a great resource. You really are providing a great service and I hope you are getting the recognition that that service deserves. I'm surprised that more of the Semi manufacturers are not pouring millions into getting advertising on the page. Good Luck and again many thanks. Glenn
19970814 I think this is great! Yarhoslav
19970815 Sinds een paar maand ben ik "geabonneerd" op de chipdir electronica listing en moet toegeven, het is een pracht van een instrument om de juiste informatie te bekomen! Vriendelijk bedankt, en "keep up the good work"! Kristof
19970815 Excellent site! Andrew
19970816 I first time search always "Chip Directory". Thank you for "Chip Directory". Chin
19970817 Your page layout is nicely done. You deserve a lot of credit for not using a bunch of graphics for cosmetic purposes because it takes forever to download from sites that do this. Very annoying! Keep up the good work. John
19970818 The information I have explored on this site has been proven to be a valuable resource. Jimmi
19970818 Thanks. PS: Excellent site! Roger
19970823 So far so good. I've been at your site long. What I see is what I like. Thanx Rudie
19970823 It's very helpful. Y
19970823 Very nice.... It helped me a lot in developing electronics. Gerhard
19970823 Saves a lot of time! - Better than searching in books. Marco
19970823 Seems a damn good idea! Bill
19970823 Very useful site. Brian
19970823 It's really a good web page for component searching. Thanks for the person who initial the project and make it successful. Ng
19970823 Very useful site. Tim
19970824 This site is just what I have been looking for, excellent. Wayne
19970824 I've just been looking at your Chip Directory and found it to be a good comprehensive site. Shirley
19970824 This is a very nice collection. Thanks for all the work you put into this page. Dave
19970825 Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good design, tasteful graphics and your content is useful, informative, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits :) Bill
19970826 I like it ! Yang
19970827 "Chip directory" is a great web site. Yigal
19970828 At first glance, looks a useful site, sorry, VERY useful site. Nigel
19970830 I like this site. A lot of useful information. Good way to get to manufacturers to see what they have. Chris
19970831 I'm very gratefull to you for excellent information of IC* that I need. It's the best source for electronic engineer. Arturo
19970831 It's great. Javier

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