Chip Directory Host site

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The compliments keep coming

19971102 Great way to find chips & substitutes. Dan
19971102 Good work! I am sure many would agree, this sort of effort is well received by many. I will be continuing future visits, when in need of info and when I can contribute info as well. Good on your peoples, and thanks too... Dominic
19971102 Thank you for an excellent site, it has proved invaluable more times than I can count. Keep up the good work. Kristhofer
19971103 It's very useful for me, to find the data sheet of components, thank you! Sajan
19971104 It is a very helpfull instrument. We'll permanently use it. Eugene
19971106 I find your site very useful in viewing spec sheets and information on semicondutor devices. Stuart
19971106 Hello, nice to meet you. We are working on Korea. Our main job is developping special purpose hardware systems. I will be pleased if you can be good friend of us. Wonyil
19971107 Congratulations for probably the best electronics site in the internet. I have recommended it to a lot of people. Even at the shop where I use to buy components they have a 5 sheets of continuous paper "poster" that I got printing your anterior home page. It's hanged from the wall and there goes everyone who needs data sheets. Emilio
19971108 Very good idea! And very helpfull in my work! Mauro
19971108 This site is wery useful for me and my job. Bojan
19971108 Excellent site ! Really Appreciate for the herculien task undertaken. Venka
19971110 The page is real good Frank
19971112 This E-mail is to tell you how great your site is. It helped me a lot . Hossam
19971112 Good Esteban
19971112 Zeer blij met je/Uw initiatief, erg handig. Dank en groet. Kees
19971116 Exellent page. Oscar
19971116 I'm an electronics tech and will find this site of great use. Thanks and I'll look around a bit now! Ian
19971116 Excellent Site - I've been looking for something like it for a while ! Thanks ! Denis
19971116 Fine usefull page ! Petr
19971116 This is a very good site for technical and electronical people. Gabriel
19971116 This is a pretty good website Harold
19971117 I'm radio and television ingeneer. These sites will be very helpful for me. Thank you Stevan
19971117 Great work. Great help to all of us interested in electronics. Chris
19971118 I think it is a very useful link site. Robert
19971118 Thanks for lot of information Ahmed
19971119 There are a lot of neat stuff here. I was truly excited when I came across it. I must say that you're doing a great service to all of us by putting up this page. Thanks. Harry
19971120 This is one of the best sites on he net! Fabio
19971120 Too large to see enough in one night to tell anything useful :-) Gijs
19971124 If this site is what I think it is, it's a very good idea! Pascal
19971124 Your site is very important in my work! Congratulations!!!!! Erik
19971124 Excellent & I am very excited about the features it offers..... Will mail you again my comments. Bye Venkat
19971124 Your directory is serious! Un-imaginable help (especially since I don't own any EE ref*. manuals) Daniel
19971125 I think this web site is really perfect because it has many company combine in this web site. Paisarn
19971125 Its GRAND what you have, keep up the good work!! Caryrow
19971125 It's good Alexander
19971125 Good site. Thanks, David
19971127 Very nice work, really! Uwe
19971127 This ist Great! Hartmut
19971127 So far so good Andy
19971127 Very good organization !! Andrés
19971127 By the way, you have one of the most useful sites that I work with on the net. Keep up the great work. Paul Hudson
199971130 Great Service Robin
19971130 This site is great! I hope match my necessary chip's information here. Thank you, congratulations! Cristiano
19971130 Very very helpful....... Alex
19971130 Good job, keep working! Hector
19971130 This is a really nice site you find (nearly) anything. Anno
19971130 Very interesting for electronics "amateurs" and hobbies. Jacques

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