Chip Directory Host site

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19980203 We find it very useful & reduces time required to locate chip manufacturers. P.I.T.
19980203 It's so simple. Peter
19980203 It is just great! Gabor
19980203 kewl! Thu
19980203 This directory is a very powerfull tool !!! Steven
19980204 Wonderful on-line handbook. Boris
19980204 very good, thank you. Nelson
19980204 This is really very useful !!! Jos
19980205 This site looks like a great source of info. Thanks for providing such a valuable service! Clark
19980205 A very useful facility, well worth promoting. David
19980205 I am an electrical robotics engineering student and have found your site very useful. Steve
19980205 Great page and very useful. Paul
19980208 Very good! Congratulations. Amauri
19980209 great site for us young electronic enthousiasts. Neil
19980210 I very like it for I can get many information I need . Feng
19980210 It is OK. Hector
19980210 Thank you for providing the engineering community with such a useful site. Respectfully, Dave
19980211 Great resource site! Peter
19980211 First of all thank you for a great site. Best Regards. K.J.
19980212 You have a very useful site. Bill
19980218 I am an electronic engineer, today I found your site, I feel very very happy and thank you doing. I want to download the complete site for myself usage. Thanks, best regards. Philip
19980219 informative Yau
19980219 This is a marvelous site! Momchil
19980219 Excellent reference! This is the best reference site I have ever seen. It makes IC* Master look like child's play! Ryan
19980219 I think this can work pretty good. Congratulations. Carlos
19980219 Simply super .... Pavel
19980219 Wonderful site for designers !!! Yehuda
19980219 Good job M.S.
19980219 Great place, with great results from search. Rui
19980219 a very useful site! David
19980219 A very good Idea for all electronician or electrician or Engineer!! Marc
19980219 I am very impressed with your chip directory! Thanks for providing a useful and informative web site. With all the junk that is on the Internet today it is refreshing to discover something really useful. James
19980224 Great site. Tom
19980224 Fantastic. Ole
19980225 Seems to be most useful. Keep up the good work. Martin
19980225 I have just started to try it out. It is what I have been looking for. David
19980225 Absolut hilfreich! Prall mit Info's! Gut gemacht... Danke. Michael
19980225 very good tool for disty and brokers Ajay
19980225 Hi, your site is really a great masterpiece from heaven. I found it very useful to learn what some chips operate. Thanks very much. Stephen
19980227 Exceptional! Piero
19980227 Rather a useful idea. Mike
19980227 This is a great resource for my students here at Elizabeth High School ! Roger
19980227 Nice Wan
19980228 It's a nice help for a electronic engineer. Thank you very much. :))))) Nuno

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