Each chip occupies one line in the file to enable resorting the list.
For each chip is given:
The chip number without letters
The full chip name with letters
A short chip description
An alphabetically sorted list of manufacturers (between brackets), with the original manufacturer having an asterisk ('*'), if he is known: The data books are generally very mysterious about this.
The first entry in this list may also be something like:
'=1234' which means that the chip is (almost) equal to the 1234
'=1234+' which means that the chip is an upgrade of the 1234
'=1234-' which means that the chip is a downgrade of the 1234
'=1234*8' which means that the package contains 4 identical 1234's
Beware: There may be multiple entries for some chips.
Some chip-numbers can also have two different names and meanings.
The two lines which describe the same chip-type may not always be adjacent!