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Chip numbers starting with 205

nr name cat description manufacturer
205 CLC205A amp* opamp* CLC*
205 MAX205 xcvr Complete, 5V-Powered, No External Capacitors, 5Channel RS-232 Transceiver Maxim*
2050 FB2050 bus All the functions you need to conform to Fieldbus standards in just about any instrument, in a single chip that has been incorporated into hundreds of instrument designs, SmarResearch
2050 UAA2050 rcvr Low-power digital UHF paging receiver Philips
2051 ICD2051 clock dual* Programmable Clock Generator, data Cypress*
20511 video High performance RAMDAC AT&T
2052 MB2052 xcvr dual* octal* registered transceiver Philips
2052 PEB2052-N bus PCM* Interface controller (PIC) (SMD) Siemens
2052 PEB2052-P bus PCM* Interface controller (PIC) Siemens
2053 ICD2053B clock Programmable Clock Generator, data Cypress*
2054 PEB2054-N bus Extended PCM* Interface Controller-Small (EPIC-S) (SMD) Siemens
2054 PEF2054-N bus Extended PCM* Interface Controller-Small (EPIC-S) (SMD) Siemens
2055 PEB2055-N bus Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) (SMD) Siemens
2055 PEB2055-P bus Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) Siemens
2055 PEF2055-N bus Extended PCM* Interface controller (EPIC-1) (SMD) Siemens
20550 PEB20550-H bus Extended Line Card controller (ELIC) (SMD) Siemens

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