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Chip numbers starting with 206

nr name cat description manufacturer
206 ADM206 driver 0.1 µF, +5V Powered CMOS* RS-232 Driver/Receivers, data AD
206 CLC206A amp* opamp* CLC*
206 MAX206 xcvr 5V-Powered, 4 Drivers/3 Receivers RS-232 Transceiver with 0.1 uF External Capacitors Maxim*
206 PLUS20R6-7 pl Registered PAL-type device DIL24 Philips
206 PLUS20R6D pl Registered PAL-type device DIL24 Philips
206 TBB206-G pll PLL-Frequency Synthesizer with 3-Wire bus (SMD) Siemens
2060 telecom Sicofi (Telephone chip), pinout, Regs Siemens*?
2060 PEB2060-N codec* Signal Processing Codec* Filter (SICOFI) (SMD) Siemens
2060 PEB2060-P codec* Signal Processing Codec* Filter (SICOFI) Siemens
2061 clock Clock Synthesizer ICD ?
2061 ICD2061A clock dual* Programmable Graphics Clock Generator, data Cypress*
2062 ICD2062B clock dual* Programmable ECL*/TTL Clock Generator, data Cypress*
2063 ICD2063 clock Programmable Graphics Clock Generator, data Cypress*
2064 DS2064 sram 8K*8 3V Operation SRAM*, PS Dallas*
2064 XM20C64 novram 8k*8 high speed AUTOSTORE NOVRAM module, data Xicor*

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