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Chip numbers starting with 207

nr name cat description manufacturer
207 ADM207 driver 0.1 µF, +5V Powered CMOS* RS-232 Driver/Receivers, data AD
207 ADM207E driver EMI/EMC Compliant, ±kV Protected, RS-232 Line Drivers/Receivers, data AD
207 MAX207 xcvr 5V-Powered, 5 Driversl3 Receivers RS-232 Transceiver with 0.1 uF External Capacitors Maxim*
207 OP207 amp* Dual*, Low Vos, data AD
2070 PEB2070-N isdn ISDN Communications controller (ICC) (SMD) Siemens
2070 PEB2070-P isdn ISDN Communications controller (ICC) Siemens
2070 PEF2070-N isdn ISDN Communication controller (ICC) (SMD) Siemens
2071 UAA2071 Transmit modulator Philips
2072 NJM2072 audio Signal Level Sensor System JRC
2072 UAA2072 image reject front-end for GSM applications Philips
2075 PEB2075-N isdn ISDN D-Channel Exchange controller (IDEC) (SMD) Siemens
2075 PEB2075-P isdn ISDN D-Channel Exchange controller (IDEC) Siemens
2075 PEF2075-N isdn ISDN D-Channel Exchange controller (IDEC) (SMD) Siemens
2077 UAA2077A image reject front-end for DECT applications Philips
2077 UAA2077B Image reject front-end for DCS/PCN applications Philips
2078 UAA2078 DECT front-end Philips
2079 UAA2079 DECT zero-IF receiver Philips

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